Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oh look, a blog to be pretentious on that no one will read!

So after all this time of lurking on blogs trying to convince myself that girls who like girls CAN really grow up and have happy families, I have decided to start my own. After all, we're all freaks together and we shouldn't have to hide it. :)

So, intro post! At quarter to 2 in the morning!

I am 19, which I realize is young but feels ancient to me. I am studying for my B.M. in choral education, after which I plan on getting an A.A.A. in recording technology and maybe an A.A. in business. The idea is to try to make at least a pittance of my music, try to manage bands, teach, and/or work in a recording studio. I figure one way or another I'll get a job.

I'm out to all my friends and a few family members. My parents are a roadblock. Technically I've come out to them, but they keep forgetting or pretending it never happened, so it's like I never did. That's a story for another post.

College has made me more active in the LGBT rights movement. I'm part of the executive council of my school's Queer Action, which was featured on Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper and no I cannot stop bragging about it.

That's all for now. More in the morning perhaps, when I'm fully conscious. x.x