Saturday, June 26, 2010


Just back from camping near Wildwood in New Jersey with my family. It adventure! A week with your family is always a test of willpower and this one was exceptionally testy, if you will. We get there and I start setting up the tent and try to conscript my sister's help. She sees an ant, squeals and disappears off to the pool, leaving me to set up our massive 3-room tent alone.

I should point out that for this whole trip I was wearing plaid shirts and hiking boots and very obviously checking out girls at the beach, and my incredibly dense familia has yet to pick up on my blatant lesbianism. I'm out to my sister (16) and brother (8), and have actually come out to my parents many, many times, but they keep forgetting. Most of our exchanges went like this:

Mom: Ooooh, girls, look! *Mom points at crowd of shirtless jogging men, Father rolls eyes*
Savannah: Very nice, very nice! I take one home!
Captain: Remember to feed it and cut a hole in the box. *watches the girl tanning nearby*

Ah, family.

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