Sunday, June 20, 2010


Work today was a little on the quiet side. There was no one in the room I usually work in, so the supervisor I work with and I went down to the infant nursery. There were only two toddlers and the three kids of another supervisor down there, so the four of us mostly sat around talking.

We got onto the subject of bills and paying them, and one of the supervisors mentioned taking "the gay hotel" off her credit card. Apparently on her latest vacation to Montreal, her travel agent booked them a room in what turned out to be a seedy hotel in the gay district. As soon as she starts in on it I start cringing on the inside...she's talking about switching hotels, and how "even the gay couples" were commenting on how bad it was, and worrying about being "hetero-bashed" as soon as she walked in the door...

Now, I should say first off that I have a great deal of respect for this woman. She has 4-5 kids, all home births, the first of which was born when she was 18. She is still married to the high school boyfriend she had her first son with and they have all grown up great kids. But honestly, I cannot think of one time anyone has been "hetero-bashed," and I really, deeply dislike hearing straight people fearing it. I realize some gays are fairly hostile towards straight people, but how many instances are there of boys actually being beaten for walking down the street holding hands with their girlfriend?

I still love my job though.

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